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Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Post surgery update

I am heading out of my hibernation cave tomorrow on my first outing, and I cant wait! The last week has sure been a journey .Not sure I could have made it through without all of you! I am thankful to have had a surgery that went so well and also thankful that I had such great care at the hospital.  Kelly continues to be a fantastic wingman. Since surgery, all I have done is sleep. But today I feel like I am getting some energy. I am feeling fairly good but still tired and sore.  I just took Sawyer on a little around the block walk, and sure enjoyed the fresh air. My aunt Eileen has been a godsend, busy cooking, cleaning and looking after me. Nice to have her here visiting and helping. I feel like with her here I have a bit of my mom beside me.

I am off to the doctor on Thursday to get the staples out. After that I am hoping to get more energy feel better each day. I know Amanda mentioned that I would let you all know when I was up to phone calls and visits. I am not yet up to visits but would love to hear from you wonderful friends over the phone to have a visit that way. 

 My main goal is to get feeling strong and well for chemo, which will start within 2 weeks. The plan for chemo is slightly different and a little more aggressive. I will have 6 rounds of exactly what I have been having. It will continue to happen every 21 days. Additionally, I will also receive chemo once a week for the weeks between the original 6 rounds.  With all this going on, I certainly have to stay healthy and positive! I am certain I can do it, especially with the help of all of you. Thanks again everyone.

Keepin you all in the loop, Donna


  1. Glad to hear that you are up and moving.Good for you .Keep up the good work.Nothing but positve energy is flowing your way Donna.xo Joey

  2. Bernadette and Randy17 September 2012 at 07:47

    Thinking of you this morning and sending healing spirits your way. Hope you're moving around day at a time Donna. Love always Bernadette and Randy
