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Thursday, 25 December 2014

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you all. We have been enjoying a wonderful season with our family,friends and our grandchildren. We got a wonderful gift on Friday from our oncologist. They have decided to let me have 1 to 3 months off from chemo and I could decide what I was comfortable with. We decided  we were comfortable with a 2 month drug holiday. Blood work will be done in Feb followed by  another CT scan and then meet late Feb to review results. Therefore, I will work hard at feeling healthy and cleansing my body from all that chemo extra. Kelly and I will look at a getaway in January and enjoy some fun time together. Thanks to all of you for your ongoing support, love and prayers. 2015 is going to be a great year!!!  Keeping you in the loop always, Donna xo

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Tis the Season for Miracles!!

Hello everyone. As I write to you all, I have a smile on my face and a tear in my eye and am full of thanks. The CT scan was as good as it could be..... no new tumors and no growth on the existing tumor. So it would seem we are keeping things at bay. I will meet the surgeon/specialist from Winnipeg on Friday and discuss the plan but we are feeling relieved and confident.
Kyle has arrived home for the holidays and it was so great to pick him up from the airport and share such a special hug. Exams are over and the partying has begun. Manda and boys are over lots and those little monkeys love the Christmas carols and are always singing and saying HO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS....warms our hearts. Once again, there is lots of singing and dancing going on at our house.
Our home is full of love and happiness and an appreciation for the season. Will keep you all in the loop after our next appointment but in the interim, enjoy the holidays. 
                   Much Love Always, Donna

Saturday, 29 November 2014


Hello everyone. First of all, we loved the concert. Was just a great night and think we knew every word of every song!  Was just what the Dr ordered. Felt good for the soul as we sang our hearts out. Our trip to see Kyle in Kelowna was also great. Him and his roommate Scott were very good hosts to us and took us around to a few wineries and up to Big White. Wow that was a test on my blood pressure. I survived that trip so am thinking I should be good. Some of those turns and cliffs and the gas gauge on EMPTY with no gas station for miles made me just a little uptight. Well don't have to worry about my hair turning grey..hahhahahahaha.....cause I don't have any!
This week I have what might be my last chemo. It will be my 12th round since my second surgery and my 34th round in total. My last chemo I was only able to have half of it as my  kidney function was jeopardized. Hope this time I can  get this last one in me. I will then have my CT on Dec 11th and Winnipeg for results and future plan on the 19th. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let it be good for me and my family and friends so Christmas can be as special as can be. Kyle arrives home on the 14th of Dec and is here till Jan 5th so sure will be great. Mandy and the boys are home for the holidays too so we will be gift of all! Kelly is doing pretty good. Decorated the house for the holidays once again. The kids have nicknamed us the Griswolds!!!Oh well its all good.
Thanks for your love and support and prayers. Keeping you in the loop   Always, Donna xo

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Feeling Thankful

Hello Everyone. I must say thanks again for so much love and support. Not sure how our family will   repay all the kindness we have been shown.....makes me so emotional. I had a call from Cancer Care that the CA 125 is back and the number remained exactly the same as it was before the last chemo so this is good news to us. Would seem the cancer has not grown so we will go ahead and have the next 2 rounds of chemo. First one is this Wednesday and then Dec 3 rd. The plan after that will be another CT scan and lets all say one extra prayer that that shows nothing and we can put this journey behind us again for a long while.
Tomorrow Kelly and I will go relive our courtship and listen to some Fleetwood Mac in Winnipeg and maybe make out in the back seat of our car....hahhahahahhaa!! Can just see my kids when they read this post. We are also going to see Kyle soon so need to get the Chemo behind me and feel better quick. Feel excited that we have planned a few fun events. Much love to you all. Keeping you in the loop                 always, Donna

Saturday, 1 November 2014


Hello everyone ,
Been a tough week for me but I think im back on the track!! Last week I had a drs apt before my chemo and the dr shared with me my CA 125 had risen. This is the number they use to ensure the cancer is not growing. This can mean one of two things. That perhaps it was just up because I had a cold and wasn't feeling great or that the chemo is not effective any longer. They will take my blood again on the 5th and check the CA 125 again. If its up, they will stop chemo and give my body a rest till such time they need to restart treatment and will look for a new more effective cocktail. So back to one day at a time. Thank heavens for all my family, friends  and support. 
On a happier note, Kelly is feeling better and we hope he is truly on the mend. Mandy and boys are great and we spent Halloween night together with our little chickens. Kyle is doing well and is busy with school . We are flying out to see him on Nov 19th for 5 days. Will be so great for us to have a fun getaway. 
Will keep u all posted on my results. Thanks for ur love and support and prayers. Keeping you in the loop                      Always, Donna xxoo

Thursday, 9 October 2014

So much to be THANKFUL for!!!

Hello everyone! Well I have my 9th round of chemo behind me and feeling pretty good again. I Had my CT scan on Tuesday and went to Cancer Care Brandon yesterday to get the results.. With many tears streaming down my cheeks, im so thankful for good news. The scan shows that things have shrunk and that the cancer has not spread. This is so wonderful for not only me but my family and all my friends and supporters.
My CA 125 is at 40 and normal range is 0 to 35. Next Friday the 17th we have a  appointment with Winnipeg and they will give me direction if I need to have more chemo. I thought man I cant do anymore but with the good news from the CT im ready to tackle whatever lies ahead.
Kelly is doing well and enjoying his work with our company. The seniors love him and a few of the women tell him how handsome he is...and he loves that!!
Kyle is good and enjoying life out in Kelowna again. School keeps him busy and we are very excited to be having him home on Saturday for Thanksgiving. Manda and her boys are good and continue to share love and sunshine to us almost daily.
Thanks everyone for all love, the prayers and support. Our family is so very blessed. Happy Thanksgiving  Keeping you in the loop   Always Donna xxoo

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Hi -Ho Hi-Ho its off to Chemo i go!!

 Well all my blood work etc was good today so its chemo round number 8 in the morning. As much as I think I don't want chemo, I admit I'm very grateful my body keeps allowing me to have more. I'm feeling good and need to keep being strong to continue this chemo regime. After tomorrow I will have one more round Oct 1st and then a CT scan Oct 7th and to Winnipeg Oct 17th so perhaps the end is in site. Not getting my hopes up just keep with the one day at a time approach.
Kyle has moved out to Kelowna again and busy back into his final year of business. We are so proud of him to forge ahead as we realize it was pretty tough to leave home this fall with all our family has on our plate. Manda  and boys are good and keep a close eye on Kelly and i. Our little monkeys keep asking to see Grammie and Pappie so we don't get to bored. Thanks again to the many special people in our lives who keep remembering us with phone calls, visits,food and prayers.  Will keep you all in the loop. Always Donna  xo   

Tuesday, 19 August 2014


Hello everyone. Well back to chemo I go tomorrow for round 7 . Its a bitter sweet situation and it goes sort of like body is doing well as am tolerating the chemo with just the normal side  effects so the oncologist suggests we keep going. My CA 125 was 42 so things keep going in the right direction and we are so thankful for that. I've needed a few pep talks and have dug deep but I am ready to go and knock the number down more.
Some of you have probably heard my rock Kelly has been under the weather. He was in hospital last week for 5 days but is home again. He had a great deal of pain and DR here believe it to be a form of arthritis. Tomorrow he will go to a specialist in Winnipeg and I will go to chemo.... we had to laugh at the thought of this as it seemed easier than the alternative.( crying )
Thanks God for our family and friends and kindness and prayers. Not sure how we can ever pay it forward enough.
Will keep you all in the loop  Much love Always, Donna

Friday, 8 August 2014


Hello everyone! Well feeling good again and so happy to have Chemo behind me again. Seems to be tougher and tougher to bounce back but with the help and support of my family, friends and prayers I've been able to do just that.
The plan is to keep enjoying everyday and go to Winnipeg on Friday August 15th. They will tell us the plan from there. The last chemo results showed the CA 125 number down again to 62 with normal range being 0 to there. Also, DR felt the tumors were smaller so all in all things are GREAT!!
I have had my very special Aunt with me for almost 2 weeks. Was a great visit and a great help and so good for my soul. Also,ive been shopping again..hahahhaaha!! That's a surprise hey! Bought myself a new car. An AUDI!! I sure do like it and s does Kyle!
We are all enjoying our days together and getting to the lake when we can. Thanks again everyone for everything. Lets hope Winnipeg brings us all more good news.  Keeping u in the loop.
Always Donna

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Numbers Are Down !!!

Hello everyone, well after 2 rounds of the new cocktail I'm so happy to say that my CA125 counts are down . It seems that this new cocktail puts me out of commission a little bit longer , but is all worth it as long as the numbers continue in the right direction  .Once again I thank each and everyone of you for keeping me in your prayers. Where is the summer going? can hardly believe we are more than half way through July but hopefully can enjoy a little bit of the outdoors now that the foggers have been out to beat down the mosquito population. I have one more round on the 30th of July and then off to Wpg on the 15th of Aug .I will keep you in the loop on these appts. A big shout out to my family as they continue to be by my side and pick me up when stumble, and of course my two little munchkins Sawyer and Fraser who I love so much.  I continue to go walking in the mornings at the Healthy Living Center and enjoy it so much, it seems to clear the mind and body.

Keeping you in the loop .   Always Donna

Sunday, 6 July 2014


Hello everyone. Exciting news!! My body excepted the new cocktail and so we are all relived about that. YAHOOOO It was a little tough for about a week after but I got my self up and ready to go again. This week is my next round - # 5!! I will find out if the CA 125 has gone down and then we will be assured that this new cocktail has what it take a to beat this cancer up. I must be honest, I've been a little stressed that this chemo its doing its stuff. I will keep the faith and a positive attitude.
My family, friends and prayers continue to be my strength through this 2nd battle we have been handed. I continue to love my life and doing many of the things I enjoy -  going to the gym, sharing a cup of coffee with a friend, reading ,journaling, etc..  I also keep going shopping and out for lunches whenever the offer presents itself.  hahhaha   Winners would wonder what happened to me if i didn't go at least once a week!
Kelly has left his job for those of you that didn't know that and he is managing our business Caring Companions. Just for the record he is doing a great job but I have to keep an eye on him and his coffee breaks..hahha
We are all doing well in the HAMM HOUSE and enjoying each and everyday together. Our little grandsons continue to bring love and sunshine in our door everyday. Keeping you in the loop!!! always Donna

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Welcoming a new CHEMO COCKTAIL!!

Hello everyone. Sorry we have had a delay in our post. The last little while has been a little uncertain for us. The last round of chemo I had yet another allergic reaction. It was more severe and a little more scary and I was unable to complete my treatment. I then had my CT  scan to monitor the status of the cancer . We had to go to Winnipeg  Friday the 13th and we got a fairly good report. The CA 125 has come down from 1805 to 130 with normal being 10, so we are on the right track. Please say a prayer that the new cocktail will bring it down even more. The new plan is 3 more rounds of Chemo 21 days apart starting Wednesday the 18th followed by another CT scan . Then we hope and pray that we can move on again without more treatments.
Our family keeps well and positive and will always be so thankful for all the love, support, visits, and prayers. Together we are all winners.
Just have to say happy fathers day to my soul mate Kelly. You are an amazing Dad and grampa ,Amanda,Kyle,Sawyer,Fraser and I  are so blessed . Enjoy your day!!
                                   Keeping you in the loop always Donna 

Wednesday, 14 May 2014


Hello all my LOVE LOOP Friends!! Well happy to tell you all that I got round 2 behind me and my family. Sorry to say it wasn't a fun or easy one but hey its done. I was so lucky to have Kyle come to cemo with his mamma bear and then I went and had an allergic reaction to the chemo. Scared the both of us but the staff were so great and had everything under control. They stopped the chemo for an hour and then were able to start it again and got it into me. The next 5 days were tough but I turned the corner late Monday.
My Mothers Day was special and I was able to share it with Mandy and  Kyle and Sawyer and gift ever!!
Kelly is good and seems to be enjoying his new job with Caring Companions. Its so great for us as a couple and a family to have so much more time together. Kids laugh and tease us its like we are semi retired!! hahhaha   If any of you need odd jobs done Kelly has spare time!! hahahhaha 
Kyle is getting use to life back at home. Hes back working and enjoying hanging out with family and friends . Mandy is keeping busy and always on the run with the boys. She is helping coach Sawyers first team sport soccer. We have gone to watch him most nights and hes really getting the hang of it. We run together and we kick the ball and im soo proud of him.
Frazzie is always dancing and singing to his favoorite song HAPPY! Its lost a bit of its excitement at our house as we have been singing and dancing to it for a few months.

Wednesday, 30 April 2014


Hello Friends , Sorry we have taken a little longer than planned to update you but round one of chemo was a little tougher on me than I remember. I had to lay low for a week after chemo but then got my energy back and have been enjoying my days ever since.  The plan for chemo is to have treatments every 21 days for 3 rounds then a CT scan and off to Winnipeg in early June to see how things are progressing. They have suggested to us that we may have as many as 12 rounds but will monitor things and decide accordingly.
On a lighter note MEME is at the hairdressers getting a makeover. Keep an eye out for her return!!  Easter was very special at our house as our son Kyle arrived home and we were able to spend time together as a family with Mandy and the boys. Kyle is busy back at work saving money to complete his 4th year of business in the fall. Amanda and boys are all good. Our little monkeys are growing up fast and keep life so fun. Sawyer is  3 1/2 years old and will start playing soccer 2 nights a week. We are really excited to watch him start in the world of sports. Frazer is 20 months old and is always  smiling and chatting and keeping things busy for his mommy.
Kelly has left his job and has joined Caring Companions. Our Family is so happy for him.  He is very excited to be able to work closer to home and along side me. He recently won a trip for 2 to Las Vegas. We are really excited about that as we have never been there and have always wanted to go and check it out.
I'm feeling stronger and more confident each day and keeping my positive spirit. Will be good to have round 2 behind us. Keep up the prayers  , phone calls , visits and hugs for me and my family.

    MUCH LOVE  Always, Donna

Friday, 11 April 2014

                                       SECOND TIMES A CHARM

Hello to all  our Love Loop Friends !  A big thanks to my dear friend Shelley for giving you all our first update as we just had to much going on to find the strength to do that. Our family plans to be updating our progress weekly so that all our supporters can follow our journey. We so appreciated a little time when we arrived home as there is always lots of healing to do. I was so lucky to have my Aunt Eileen from Saskatoon come stay with me for a week and help me get my MO JOO back as she calls it. Surgery is now two weeks behind us and chemo is less than a week away. I am feeling stronger everyday and have returned to the gym  walking for about 30 minutes as I prepare both mentally and physically for my chemo. The plan is to have 3 rounds 21 days apart then go to Winnipeg to see how i'm responding. I don't think its any easier knowing what to expect but im embracing the treatments as its what we need to do. Lots of changes again ....not sure what kind of hair doo I will support this time...I really might just appear as the blonde bomb shell Kelly has dreamed of...stay tuned!! hahahahah 

Once again, we have been blessed with many phone calls,texts,flowers, meals and visits and this means a great deal to our family. A special thanks for those that keep us in their prayers. 

Next week brings much excitement...Kyle will be coming home from his year away in Kelowna. He has completed his 3rd year of business and plans to work and party for the summer to return in the fall for his 4th and final year. Our family is especially proud of him for staying out their and persevering. Face time, texting and his great friend and my adopted son Scott Hellyer have helped us all stay connected.

Manda has just had her birthday and is 27! Crazy hey. Kelly and I agreed be cant be 40 anymore so we will keep u posted what our new age will be.  hahahaha   Our beautiful grandsons keep our family smiling and laughing and dancing. They love a song called HAPPY and so often the whole bunch of us are moving and shaking to this!!  You might see all this activity as you drive by the Hamm House.

  Thanks again to you all. Together we will stay strong and positive and beat this Cancer once and for all.                                         Always, Donna  xxoo

Sunday, 30 March 2014

the love loop 2

The Love Loop 2
Hey everyone!
I really wish there wasn’t a sequel to the Love Loop but unfortunately there is.  Donna asked me to write this post for the blog on behalf of the family…. as you can only imagine how raw a reoccurrence might feel… And at this time and the words are difficult to write.
 It’s Shelley Lowes, from Regina SK…..Donna’s friend, sista, confidante, shoulder…and Donna is all that and more to me too.  We have grown very close as the result of our cancer journeys and have a unique, real, and deeper appreciation for how we live, laugh and love….here is her story:
After 1 year and 10 days cancer-free, Donna completed routine blood work for a follow-up oncology appointment. On the morning of February 5th, 2014 she received a call asking for her and Kelly to come in to see the doctor at 1:30 PM.  It was then that they discovered her CA125 count was highly elevated and more tests were required. On February 7th, the CT scan was inclusive and the CA125 continued to climb.  On February 14th, Kelly, Donna, Amanda and Kyle were off to Winnipeg to meet with her team of oncology specialists. They were presented with 3 options: start chemo therapy immediately; wait and see what transpires then start chemotherapy; or if eligible for surgery, have surgery to determine exactly what is going on then start chemotherapy.  Because Donna has worked so hard and was in the best shape for her body at this time, she was given the surgical option for consideration.  On February 21st, via Telehealth conference to Winnipeg, surgery was chosen.  On March 26th Donna had surgery to see what she and her family would be up against.  As a result, the oncologists decided the best course of treatment would be immediate chemotherapy. This decision was made in part due to her initial success to chemotherapy and in part to the location of the reoccurrence. March 29th, Donna is home resting, regrouping and revalidating a new journey and new plan….Chemotherapy will begin in 2 weeks…..F@$%!Cancer! 
As a friend and an experienced cancer patient, I have come to appreciate people’s intentions and well wishes….Donna and I have laughed many times over some of our encounters with various people.  However, here are a few things to consider:
·         A cancer patient does not need to know how many friends or relatives you know that have passed on…..I remember mere acquaintances approaching me in hockey rinks, grocery stores etc. and saying “I heard you have cancer….my mom/sister/friend died of cancer last week/month/year!”  TRUE STORY…..and not just one person!  This is not comforting information….just saying! Please don’t ignore us either….I know, it’s a fine line but take lead from us.
·         A cancer patient does not want assumptions, speculations, or pitiful looks…..a cancer patient needs support. Trust the patient.  Information will be shared. We will disclose information as we become comfortable with it.  Please don’t question. There is no manual on how to be a cancer patient. There is no manual on how to interact with a cancer patient either. The world is very small and it is hurtful when someone calls to discuss your “latest bowel movement” because they heard from some else that someone in the family was at the drug store buying Senokot…..yup, TRUE STORY!
·         TRUST is one of the best gifts you can give a friend.
·         Chemotherapy is tough.  There is no ands, ifs or buts about it!  Not only is it hard on the patient it is crazy hard on the family! Hair loss, weight gain, fatigue, raging emotions….impacts those we are closest with.  Please reach out to Kelly, Kyle, and Amanda and the boys….our families are our life, we just need a bit of extra help during treatment. Your past kindness and support was truly overwhelming and most appreciated.
·         Please do not drop in unexpectedly….even with good intentions. Call, text or email.
Reoccurrence is a bitch! However, there is a plan.  There will be ups and downs on this next journey and the Hamm’s will suit up in amour once again.
 Please continue to post on the blog – knowing your thoughts, prayers and positive energy is overflowing into their hearts is most comforting.  Even if you don’t get a response, please know the Hamm’s love you all very much and draw much strength from your words!
Love, Shelley xo