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Thursday, 25 December 2014

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you all. We have been enjoying a wonderful season with our family,friends and our grandchildren. We got a wonderful gift on Friday from our oncologist. They have decided to let me have 1 to 3 months off from chemo and I could decide what I was comfortable with. We decided  we were comfortable with a 2 month drug holiday. Blood work will be done in Feb followed by  another CT scan and then meet late Feb to review results. Therefore, I will work hard at feeling healthy and cleansing my body from all that chemo extra. Kelly and I will look at a getaway in January and enjoy some fun time together. Thanks to all of you for your ongoing support, love and prayers. 2015 is going to be a great year!!!  Keeping you in the loop always, Donna xo

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear Donna :). You and Kelly go and have a wonderful time in January. Sure hope it is somewhere warm xo Guy and Cynthia
