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Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Hi everyone, It’s Amanda here. Mom’s just having a snuggle with Fraser so today you get to hear from me. 

Last Wednesday, mom had another  appt with the doctor.  I am happy to say all was well with her blood and she was able to have another big chemo on Thursday.  We are all so impressed with how well mom does with her treatment. She came home for  a snooze afterwords and was ready to get out a bit when she woke up. Friday night, her and dad had our boys while Wes and I went to the wine festival. We are sure spoiled. Over the weekend, mom  tried to lay low, but we all know how good she is at that! She went out for breakfast on Sunday with friends and also hosted a dinner for our family and Tori Sunday night.  By Monday, she had Fraser for the day, as Wes and I took Sawyer to the Wiggles concert.  That’s what she calls laying low!

Today, mom had her weekly appt with the doctor,  and received good news that all is well again with her blood. This means another chemo day for her tomorrow.  

Mom has healed very well since surgery and is feelin like a 9/10. She still gets out for daily walks, eats well about 95% of the time(she has been caught by dad hiding the occasional big turk) and continues to rest each day. Dad still makes his shakes and has been amazing with quitting smoking.  Last week, the celebrated 29 years of marriage. I am so proud of the two of them. What an example they have set over the years of what it means to stick together. 

Well, by the end of tomorrow, mom will have 5 chemos behind her. Yahoo for that! That’s all for now.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

So much to be thankful for...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Been a busy time for us. Really happy to say that I have got round 2 of chemo behind me. All seemed to go well. Spent chemo day with my brother Greg. Sure appreciate his love and support and our time together.

Had a great friend, Scott, come to see us last week from Toronto. Was very nice to catch up with him. Hes a family favorite so we all enjoyed dinner, beer and a visit with him.

A huge highlight of the weekend for me was having Fabulous Friday. I had both boys over. Sawyer has decided he loves baking at his Grammies. So each time he walks in he goes straight for the beaters and baking supplies. How can I say no to that? Him baking is very cute. See pic below. Fraser is getting bigger, smilier, and has started cooing. This is all pretty exciting to our family.

Another highlight of Friday, was that a fairy came and cleaned my house. Thank you Carol! I also got to shop at a favorite shop, Dundee. Was nice to get out with the girls.

Saturday, my sisters picked me up and we went to Abby Rose, and the Wildflower Cafe. Sure was a lot of fun.

We enjoyed thankgsiving with Aunt Ingrid, Oma and Opa Van Weert  and Grandma Hamm. Special thanks to Aunt Ingrid who made a delicious Thanksgiving meal for us to enjoy.

If you havent seen me tearing up the town since Friday, look out. I got my liscense back after a whole month. I am SOOOO happy to be back on the road again. I can shop all I want. If you need to find me, check Winners and other favorite stores.

Monday was mine and Kelly's 29th Anniversary. We shared a hug and a kiss and thought; man, we are getting old. But hey, getting old is a privledge. We are so lucky to have eachother.

All in all, the last week has been great. Even through the toughest of times, there is so much to be thankful for.

Always, Donna

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Hi guys. It’s Kelly here.
Donna made it through chemo and has done very well. She admits this round was tough on her but I think shes done great. She spent a lot of the last few days sleeping. While she was doing this, I was earning more great husband points by trimming all our trees. It’s a big job in our yard. I have to say thanks for keeping me so well fed. There has been many delicious meals around here.
Everyone has been asking how I have been doing quitting smoking. I am still hangin in there. Certainly have days where I want one, but manage to stay away.
I have perfected smoothies over the last while, and have also learned some basic nursing skills as I have been giving Donna injections of meds since surgery. I have almost been fired once or twice, but that was earlier on. Now, I am basically a professional.
We are happy to have another  round of chemo behind us and will keep you posted throughout the next treatments.
Donna and all of us here are sure thinking of Shelley today. A big Yahoo! to her and her family as she completed her 12 of 12 chemos today.
That’s all for now. Kelly