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Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Hi guys. It’s Kelly here.
Donna made it through chemo and has done very well. She admits this round was tough on her but I think shes done great. She spent a lot of the last few days sleeping. While she was doing this, I was earning more great husband points by trimming all our trees. It’s a big job in our yard. I have to say thanks for keeping me so well fed. There has been many delicious meals around here.
Everyone has been asking how I have been doing quitting smoking. I am still hangin in there. Certainly have days where I want one, but manage to stay away.
I have perfected smoothies over the last while, and have also learned some basic nursing skills as I have been giving Donna injections of meds since surgery. I have almost been fired once or twice, but that was earlier on. Now, I am basically a professional.
We are happy to have another  round of chemo behind us and will keep you posted throughout the next treatments.
Donna and all of us here are sure thinking of Shelley today. A big Yahoo! to her and her family as she completed her 12 of 12 chemos today.
That’s all for now. Kelly



  1. Kelly,
    So nice to hear from you. So glad to hear the "quitting smoking" continues.Keep up the GREAT job. Please give that beautiful wife a hug for me. She is so lucky to have such a supportive husband...You are a gem Kelly. Thoughts & positive energy continues for your family. Soon |I hope to get over for a visit. Love to you all...Ricki

  2. Bernadette and Randy5 October 2012 at 08:09

    Hi Kelly and Donna
    You're the best Kelly! Thank you for taking care of our Donna. Her strength certainly is a tribute to the family who loves her dearly. And we all love you too Donna. Love, healing spirits and hummingbirds!
    Bernadette and Randy and from all our family!
