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Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Hi everyone, It’s Amanda here. Mom’s just having a snuggle with Fraser so today you get to hear from me. 

Last Wednesday, mom had another  appt with the doctor.  I am happy to say all was well with her blood and she was able to have another big chemo on Thursday.  We are all so impressed with how well mom does with her treatment. She came home for  a snooze afterwords and was ready to get out a bit when she woke up. Friday night, her and dad had our boys while Wes and I went to the wine festival. We are sure spoiled. Over the weekend, mom  tried to lay low, but we all know how good she is at that! She went out for breakfast on Sunday with friends and also hosted a dinner for our family and Tori Sunday night.  By Monday, she had Fraser for the day, as Wes and I took Sawyer to the Wiggles concert.  That’s what she calls laying low!

Today, mom had her weekly appt with the doctor,  and received good news that all is well again with her blood. This means another chemo day for her tomorrow.  

Mom has healed very well since surgery and is feelin like a 9/10. She still gets out for daily walks, eats well about 95% of the time(she has been caught by dad hiding the occasional big turk) and continues to rest each day. Dad still makes his shakes and has been amazing with quitting smoking.  Last week, the celebrated 29 years of marriage. I am so proud of the two of them. What an example they have set over the years of what it means to stick together. 

Well, by the end of tomorrow, mom will have 5 chemos behind her. Yahoo for that! That’s all for now.


  1. So so so happy for you HammerVanweerts!!!!!! Keep kickin ass Donna!!!!

  2. Great update Amanda - it was so good to see you on Saturday, Donna, even if just for a short are amazing. Thanks for sharing with inspiration to what life is about.

  3. Hey Amanda, How are you? Sounds like all is going well with the Hamm & VanWeert families. How extraordinary. Love to hear from you all...and as usual you are always in the Woods' thoughts. Happy Halloween...Love, Ricki
