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Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Merry Christmas Everybody

Just had the best morning ever. I was surrounded by my beautiful family and grandsons. Sawyer enjoyed opening a few gifts and little Fraser has smiled the morning away.  Our whole family was very spoiled, everyone loved their gifts. This year though, Christmas has reminded us of the most important thing of all,which is being together. Even though some of us are on Hollidays over Christmas, there is no break for my chemo regime. I continue with treatment on Thursday.

Wes's mom, brother and sister are coming tonight to Brandon. So, we plan to do Christmas again tomorrow to celebrate the season with them.

Our family has booked a trip to Toronto. We will be going for 5 days in March. This will be a great way to all be together for a few days of fun after the difficult year we have had. I think we are all looking forward to the Hockey Hall of Fame, Tower, Waterpark, shopping, and lots more fun.

Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas. We will update the blog in the New Year.

Keeping you in the loop,
Always, Donna

Friday, 14 December 2012

12th round of chemo, 12 days before christmas

*This was written yesterday but just got to posting it now!*      
Hi everyone. It’s Amanda writing you all today. Mom is at chemo but asked that I give an update.
Today is her 12th round of chemo, 12 days before Christmas. She still has one big chemo to go before Santa comes.
Everyone I talk to says how terrific she looks and how great she is doing. I totally agree. I am especially proud of her because I know that this journey has been a real battle for her. Emotionally its been extremely tough, and physically the chemo is sure beating her up. With this in mind, it is sure a true demonstration of the kind of woman she is that she keeps smiling and pushing though. I am so proud of her for working so hard to be well and keeping her chin up through this all.
The last week has been tough on mom as she hasn’t got to see her boys in a few days. Sawyer picked up an virus so we have had to stay away from Grammie for a few days.  This has been hard on all of us! Sawyer just got off the phone with her and was kissing the phone! We sure miss her. Kyle is currently writing exams at college and looking forward to a bit of a break. Dad has been busy with work and his never ending to do list mom keeps adding to around the house! He has now painted the back room and kitchen. Go dad go!  Our family is planning a trip to Florida once mom is done her treatment. We are all looking very forward to this family time. Thats all for now.


Sunday, 2 December 2012

I am glad to say I have finally gotten over my cold. It sure took a lot out of me.

Since my last blog, we have had 2 rounds of chemo and lots of docs appts. We went to WPG to meet with  the oncology team and everything was very positive. We sure had a good visit with the Stonewall Hamm family. So nice to spend time together. A few of the expected side effects are definately catching up with me. Because of the regime,it was expected that I would become much more fatigued. I sure am.  Also, the steroids are giving me a rounder face and a few extra pounds. I also have a few less eyelashes. What can you do? I am trying to take it all in stride and keep a smile on my face. Thank heavens for family and friends. Special thanks to Mandy who brings the boys to see us every day. 

I have posted a pic of my hair to show off to you all. It is suprising everyone that it is growing even with all this chemo. Sending warm Christmas wishes to all you guys.


Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Celebrating halfway mark this Thursday

Ho ho ho. It begining to feel a lot like Christmas. Kelly has decorated our house up and it is really getting me into the Christmas spirit. The kids have been joking as they drive up to the house that we look like real grandparents these days with all our lights, decorations and knick knacks in the yard. We think they look great:)

Round 8 of chemo went well, but since then I have gotten a bad cold. Guess we will see what tomorrow brings, but certainly still hoping to have round 9 of chemo this Thursday as scheduled. This will mark halfway through my chemo! I have to say thanks so much for my chemo dates. I am thankful to have not been alone for chemo at all.

The chemo sure is accumulative as I have been feeling more and more played out. My grandkids keep me on my toes and feeling motivated. Thank heavens for my family.

We are off to Winnipeg on Tuesday to meet with the Oncology team. All appointments and meetings to now have all been very positive. We are so thankful.

So, if your reading this, you probably know how much our family loves a good party. We will soon be announcing details of a party we will be putting on to raise funds for a fantastic local organization. It's will be our way of paying foward all the kindness and support we've been shown. We are really excited about this and will keep you in the loop.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Lucky # 7

Well cant hardly believe its November! The time is going by quickly..seems i count off the weeks by blood tests,drs appoinbtments and chemo dates. I continue to feel very fortunate that this cancer journey Im on has been going fairly well for me. My blood work continues to be within the normal range. My CA 125 is excellent. This is all really encouraging.

Thanks to all of you wonderful people who continue to show such kindness to our family. I find your kindess overwhelming at times and very touching.

I got a picture given to me yesterday made by a friend. She recently ran in the Terry Fox run. Her shirt that day said I'm running for Aunty Donna. You can see her artwork posted on this blo. Things like this sure keep me feeling inspired.

I have a very busy week ahead. Plan to spend time with Sawyer and Fraser, also have a telehealth appointment to meet with my surgeon and doctors from Winnipeg, blood and doctors appt
 on Wednesday as well as a big chemo on Thurs. This is my seventh chemo. Then will try to take it easy this weekend.

My hair has been growing back. My poor hairdresser Carol has her work cut out for her as I am gray as can be!

Kelly is doing great 98% of the time with his quitting smoking thanks to Thrive gum and cheezies.  Kyle is doing well in schooling and Wes, Amanda and the boys are busy busy. They dressed the boys up as monkeys for Halloween. So cute.

Thats all for now. Well keep you all in the loop after this week.

Always, Donna

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Hi everyone, It’s Amanda here. Mom’s just having a snuggle with Fraser so today you get to hear from me. 

Last Wednesday, mom had another  appt with the doctor.  I am happy to say all was well with her blood and she was able to have another big chemo on Thursday.  We are all so impressed with how well mom does with her treatment. She came home for  a snooze afterwords and was ready to get out a bit when she woke up. Friday night, her and dad had our boys while Wes and I went to the wine festival. We are sure spoiled. Over the weekend, mom  tried to lay low, but we all know how good she is at that! She went out for breakfast on Sunday with friends and also hosted a dinner for our family and Tori Sunday night.  By Monday, she had Fraser for the day, as Wes and I took Sawyer to the Wiggles concert.  That’s what she calls laying low!

Today, mom had her weekly appt with the doctor,  and received good news that all is well again with her blood. This means another chemo day for her tomorrow.  

Mom has healed very well since surgery and is feelin like a 9/10. She still gets out for daily walks, eats well about 95% of the time(she has been caught by dad hiding the occasional big turk) and continues to rest each day. Dad still makes his shakes and has been amazing with quitting smoking.  Last week, the celebrated 29 years of marriage. I am so proud of the two of them. What an example they have set over the years of what it means to stick together. 

Well, by the end of tomorrow, mom will have 5 chemos behind her. Yahoo for that! That’s all for now.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

So much to be thankful for...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Been a busy time for us. Really happy to say that I have got round 2 of chemo behind me. All seemed to go well. Spent chemo day with my brother Greg. Sure appreciate his love and support and our time together.

Had a great friend, Scott, come to see us last week from Toronto. Was very nice to catch up with him. Hes a family favorite so we all enjoyed dinner, beer and a visit with him.

A huge highlight of the weekend for me was having Fabulous Friday. I had both boys over. Sawyer has decided he loves baking at his Grammies. So each time he walks in he goes straight for the beaters and baking supplies. How can I say no to that? Him baking is very cute. See pic below. Fraser is getting bigger, smilier, and has started cooing. This is all pretty exciting to our family.

Another highlight of Friday, was that a fairy came and cleaned my house. Thank you Carol! I also got to shop at a favorite shop, Dundee. Was nice to get out with the girls.

Saturday, my sisters picked me up and we went to Abby Rose, and the Wildflower Cafe. Sure was a lot of fun.

We enjoyed thankgsiving with Aunt Ingrid, Oma and Opa Van Weert  and Grandma Hamm. Special thanks to Aunt Ingrid who made a delicious Thanksgiving meal for us to enjoy.

If you havent seen me tearing up the town since Friday, look out. I got my liscense back after a whole month. I am SOOOO happy to be back on the road again. I can shop all I want. If you need to find me, check Winners and other favorite stores.

Monday was mine and Kelly's 29th Anniversary. We shared a hug and a kiss and thought; man, we are getting old. But hey, getting old is a privledge. We are so lucky to have eachother.

All in all, the last week has been great. Even through the toughest of times, there is so much to be thankful for.

Always, Donna

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Hi guys. It’s Kelly here.
Donna made it through chemo and has done very well. She admits this round was tough on her but I think shes done great. She spent a lot of the last few days sleeping. While she was doing this, I was earning more great husband points by trimming all our trees. It’s a big job in our yard. I have to say thanks for keeping me so well fed. There has been many delicious meals around here.
Everyone has been asking how I have been doing quitting smoking. I am still hangin in there. Certainly have days where I want one, but manage to stay away.
I have perfected smoothies over the last while, and have also learned some basic nursing skills as I have been giving Donna injections of meds since surgery. I have almost been fired once or twice, but that was earlier on. Now, I am basically a professional.
We are happy to have another  round of chemo behind us and will keep you posted throughout the next treatments.
Donna and all of us here are sure thinking of Shelley today. A big Yahoo! to her and her family as she completed her 12 of 12 chemos today.
That’s all for now. Kelly


Thursday, 20 September 2012


Hi everyone, I am pleased to say that I am feeling like a 8/10 these days. I feel well, but still don’t have much stamina. I got my staples out which was great and all looks well. With all this time at home, I decided we should paint. By we, I mean Kelly. He did a great job and earned tons of great husband points. I also treated myself to nice blinds which I am enjoying so much, thanks to Blinds by AnitaJ Now, this great looking living room, got me thinking again about my kitchen. Stay tuned and I’ll share redecorating updates.

I have been concentrating on getting well, as chemo starts again next week. This has meant lots of naps, soap operas and nights in on the couch. I am dreaming of getting back to the gym soon, but need to get a bit better first. Who would have thought I would be excited for the gym! I have made it out on a few outings, and also have enjoyed some visits in the last week. I  want to say thanks to my dinner fairys. We have sure been well fed and appreciate it so much. I also need to say thanks for kind notes, gifts, cards,horn honkers, beautiful flowers and cleaning service. You guy are all so great. All of your kindness makes this journey much easier.

Mandy and Wes and the boys have been visiting lots and I love my time with them. Fraser is getting a real little personality and Sawyer is always smiling, and BUSY! He keeps us all on our toes and makes everything fun.

Kyle is busy back at school. He is in his 2nd year of Business Admin at ACC. He finds it busy. He will play hockey in Carberry this year and I am looking forward to getting to some games.

This weekend, Kelly and I hope to make it to the lake, even if its just for a quick bit. I will keep you all in the loop as I head into chemo next week!


Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Post surgery update

I am heading out of my hibernation cave tomorrow on my first outing, and I cant wait! The last week has sure been a journey .Not sure I could have made it through without all of you! I am thankful to have had a surgery that went so well and also thankful that I had such great care at the hospital.  Kelly continues to be a fantastic wingman. Since surgery, all I have done is sleep. But today I feel like I am getting some energy. I am feeling fairly good but still tired and sore.  I just took Sawyer on a little around the block walk, and sure enjoyed the fresh air. My aunt Eileen has been a godsend, busy cooking, cleaning and looking after me. Nice to have her here visiting and helping. I feel like with her here I have a bit of my mom beside me.

I am off to the doctor on Thursday to get the staples out. After that I am hoping to get more energy feel better each day. I know Amanda mentioned that I would let you all know when I was up to phone calls and visits. I am not yet up to visits but would love to hear from you wonderful friends over the phone to have a visit that way. 

 My main goal is to get feeling strong and well for chemo, which will start within 2 weeks. The plan for chemo is slightly different and a little more aggressive. I will have 6 rounds of exactly what I have been having. It will continue to happen every 21 days. Additionally, I will also receive chemo once a week for the weeks between the original 6 rounds.  With all this going on, I certainly have to stay healthy and positive! I am certain I can do it, especially with the help of all of you. Thanks again everyone.

Keepin you all in the loop, Donna

Thursday, 6 September 2012

surgery update

Mom called this morning nervous but ready to head into surgery. Dad was with her and stayed with her until she left for the operating room. Mom came out of surgery within a couple of hours and the doctor went to speak with dad. He said that the surgery went well. They were able to do what they had hoped/planned and had not found any additional areas of concern. He went and told mom the same good news when she woke up. This is great news for mom and our family. Thank you for your prayers, positive thoughts and well wishes today. We appreciate them so much. Today, mom is just sleeping and resting in bed. Tomorrow, the nurses will help her to get sat up in bed, and Saturday they will get her up moving around a bit. With any luck, mom will be home the start of next week. She needs a ton of rest and to focus on recovering as her chemo will resume within 2-3 weeks. Once she is up to visitors she will get in touch and she says thanks again to all of you for being so supportive.