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Tuesday, 12 June 2012

WPG Consult

At 11AM today, we managed to get in to see the Oncologyst/Gynecologist in Winnipeg to find out what our game plan is going to be.

We started the day with a couple of tests and removing fluid from Donna's abdomen. The reason for this, is to run a few more tests confirm the type of cancer and medicine.

They told us a few new peices of info: there is 2 masses, one on each ovary, there is also one on the omentum flap (fatty apron that protects abdomen). The doctors made it clear to us that this is a typical place for cancer to attach itself to with Ovarian Cancer. There is also a mass on the peritoneum (membrane that lines the abdomen). The good news is that there is no  major organs affected.

The plan of attack will be start with 3 rounds of chemo, each 21 days apart. Donna will get a concoction called Carboplatin Paditaxol (carbotaxol). They will do bloodwork prior to each round to ensure Donna has lots of healthy cells to help her do well with the chemo.

Next step will hopefully be surgery. The surgery is called Debulking and will be followed up with 3 or more rounds of chemo.

The hope is that chemo will start within 2-3 weeks and will be done here in Brandon which will make things easier. 

We will do a post when we have a chemo start date and keep you in the loop throughout the process. Donna and our family are sure encouraged to know this is beatable. Thank you for all your support.



  1. thank you so much for the update uncle Kelly!! I have been checking this blog all day! I am relieved to hear there is a plan now and with everyones strength and prayers, she will fight this. Stay strong xo Lots of love to you all (see you in a few weeks)
    Jamie and Jamie Lyon

  2. we know you can do it Donna. Go get 'em!!

  3. You were on our minds all day, sending love and good spirits your way. It's a bumpy road but your strength and Kelly's love will assist you to overcome!
    Love always
    Bernadette and Randy

  4. Thank you so much for the news Kelly. I have been checking the blog since this afternoon. Guy, myself, Rebecca and Victoria (Tori) have been thinking of Donna and the family all day today. We are heartened by your news. Tori is out doing her dryland training right now :), so when she gets home I will have her read the blog and I know she will be talking to Donna. We are also thrilled that Donna will be able to be treated in Brandon. We shall continue to keep Donna and your family in our prayers and we will continue to check the blog for updates. Fight with all your might are a strong lady. With us being so far away it is so nice to have this page to keep us updated. Take good care and a big hug to Donna from all of us in Calgary and her "second daughter"!

    Guy, Cynthia Rebecca, and Tori <3 xxxxoooo

  5. Hey..thanks for the new info..we have all been waiting to hear what is least now you know what you are doing!!!!Know that you can do this with your positive attitude and strength and family and friends.Hugs and love..from The Hamm's in to you tomorrow:):)

  6. Keep your pecker up, Buddy! You can do this. Lotsa love, Lorna

  7. Thanks for the update, Kelly. It's so good of all of you to share this journey with us. Donna, when you go to Cancer Care Brandon for chemo, please keep an eye out for our daughter-in-law, Tania. She is a nurse there and works with the educational process when patients arrive at CCB. I'll ask her to keep an eye out for you. She'll take good care of you, regardless.

    Love and hugs to all of you!
    Cathy McLaren

  8. This is encouraging news, Blondie! We can beat this.


  9. Thanks for sharing! We will be praying and cheering you on your journey from Regina! Lots of love, Bob Shelley, Alycia, Mikayla & Rob

  10. Hi there Donna & family, thanks for keeping us in the loop as we are thinking about you every day. I am not too savvy on the computer but wanted to try this and tell you, love you and be strong, and get lots of rest. When you tucker out Sawyer I am more than willing to step in for a turn at being a support . . . I can offer a challenging game of scrabble, lol or we can do a movie (Sound of Music anyone). . . chat soon Gloria

  11. Thanks for the update Kelly. Good news that there is no major organ involvement & the action plan is set & ready to be implemented! Donna with her strength, positivity, and Love as well as the strength & love from you, and the kids, her family and friends will BEAT this BEAST!! If there is anything I can help with or do, please do not hesitate to call.
    Sending Hugs, Prayers & Positive wishes to you Donna. <3
    Terrilyn & Mario

  12. Chantal Kokorudz18 June 2012 at 09:57

    Sending you guys love and prayers from Calgary. I've been keeping up with the blog. Your family is so blessed to have so much love and good energy and great friends. Soon this experience will be a distant memory. Love you guys!


  13. Thanks for the update Kelly. We shall be in touch!

    Cal/Heather and family.

  14. HI Donna and Kelly...this update sounds very positive. I loved your story about the fishing trip and the boat not starting Donna...just a typical day! Any ways, I am thinking of you every day and sending good thoughts your are gonna' be the winner in this battle Donna and a great inspiration to others when you talk about the battle that you won as you look back on this whole process! One day this will be a distant memory of another of life's challenges and you will stand victorious my friend! Love ya'!

    Shelley Koko...
